Monday, February 6, 2012


Recently my heart has received a new hole, a void in my life that will never be filled... I lost a soul very dear to me, a warm gentle loving spirit that for the past 7 years I nurtured, watched grow, that I woke up early and stayed up late just playing with, so happy just to see him happy. For the past 7 years this amazing being was rarely absent from me, I have moved multiple times, gone through 4 boyfriends and this little guy was with me through all the journeys, all the ups and downs. Never did I think I could love something like this, he taught me not to be selfish and to enjoy life, to slow down and appreciate the simple things. I will never forget the times we sat outside in the grass on the sunny days and just watched the cars go by. His little personality so much bigger than he was... ah he gave us so many good laughs, so many warm laps. Yes, this little gift from God was my Terrier-Chihauhau mixed puppy. To have children has never been a desire for me. Pumba, my furry baby, was my child. The child I never knew I wanted so much but could have never been more happy with.
Little baby Pumba, dont think he was quite a year old yet here.
Christmas 2011

Don and Pumba <3
Pumba all curled up in our bed.
Pumba and I when we went on a trip to visit Meema.

Pumba lying on my newly made bed, he LOVED to "help" make beds =P

During this loss I have been reminded of the absolutely amazing family and friends I have surrounding me, all the thoughts and prayers, the acts of kindness, the hugs, the tears from others whose lives were also enriched by Pumba... another reminder of just everything we have to be thankful for. I would not describe myself as a very spiritual person although I do believe in God and I do believe that my Pumba along with all other pets that have passed on are in heaven. Prayer is very personal to me and today I prayed and thanked God for Pumba, my family and my man if my dreams- Don, who seems like family already. If not for Don these past few days I honestly don't know where I would be... especially since there has been no loss in my life to compare the loss of my baby.

Pumba, I will always love you, you have brightened the lives of so many that knew you. Thank you for teaching me all you did, I am so glad that Don got to meet you and he loved you so much, that was the real test ;) I know you approved of him. Your personality and wild loving spirit inspired me to believe when I had doubts, I will look forward to kissing your little cheeks and holding you in my arms again one day.